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Thorium revolution or a hundred years without refueling

Energy – the headache of all mankind. Being scarce everywhere except in mining countries, they are a powerful tool for squeezing money out of people. There are even wars because of oil, and price fluctuations per barrel shake the economies of entire states. But it is possible that global changes will occur even during our lifetime.


Peaceful atom

While ordinary citizens are thinking about switching to bicycles, scientists are working on a fundamental solution to the problem. The search for alternative sources of fuel for automobiles is especially actively conducted – more or less successful hydrogen hybrids and electric cars are already appearing on the car market.

But the experts of the research company Laser Laser Systems decided to tame the atom. Work is underway to create a thorium turbogenerator, which can completely and permanently replace gasoline. Thorium is a radioactive chemical element from the actinide family. Its energy capacity is enormous: according to preliminary estimates, 8 grams of thorium will be enough for 480 thousand kilometers. That’s enough to travel around the planet at the equator 36 times.

A test sample of the motor has already been created. By the way, his designers were inspired by the ideas of the physicist Nikola Tesla. Thorium engine will weigh about 230 kg and fit under the hood of most modern cars. However, if the thorium miracle reaches the market, the history of the automotive industry will go a completely different way.

Dreams and prospects

The main deposits of thorium are located in the United States, India and Australia. However, the prospects for using thorium are also reflected in Russia. In particular, scientists from the Tomsk Polytechnic University are already working on a project of nuclear-hydrogen energy on a thorium basis. Also over the use of thorium in energy reflect in Australia and several other countries.

Anyway, even partial replacement of petroleum products is a task worth working on. Do not forget that gasoline and diesel engines – it is also a source of environmental threats. This is especially true in developed countries, where a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Therefore, even the most daring ideas on alternative fuels are constantly in the focus of attention of scientists.

Thorium Engine is no exception. In 2008, Cadillac already presented a sample of a car that could work on nuclear energy. Then they forgot about the project for a long time. But perhaps soon it will become relevant again.
